Monday, November 28, 2011


The Mirror of N’de is a fantasy. I thought it sounded similar to The Chronicles of Narnia or the Harry Potter books, and was eager to read it. Presented as a book for young fantasy readers, I thought it might appeal to my 13-year-old granddaughter, especially since the heroine in it is 13.  

L.K. Malone’s imagination is certainly in full gear with this novel. It is peppered with weird, strange creatures like none described elsewhere. As a Christian allegory, I wasn’t certain who was representing whom for a while. However, it all eventually became clear. 

Young Hadlay Mivana is part of a poor race of people called the Ramash. Her people are kept subservient to the Oresed who live better and often abuse their poor neighbors. In an unusual twist of fate Hadlay and some of her friends are chosen to work in the Tower of the Emperor. It’s there she is lured by luxury and extravagance into accepting things she should avoid. She has more than her share of problems, one right after the other, but ultimately becomes a special friend to the Emperor’s son.   

Her strange dreams of a beautiful Being leave her puzzled until nearly the end of the novel when the Being reveals himself to her. It is up to Hadlay to fight evil and rescue her people. The Being assures her with his help, she will.  

The book is a page turner right up to the end. However, the ending feels unfinished to me. I wanted a satisfying conclusion.  But, since it is an allegory, perhaps writing an ending that has yet to happen in our world, would be inappropriate. The Being assures Hadlay she will reach N’de when the time is right, although he also warns that she still has many things yet to endure. 

I haven’t decided whether to share this novel with my granddaughter or not. I am troubled by some of the animal and human mixing that occurs within the book. It is suspenseful, and succeeds with good triumphing over evil. But, many of the creature mixes are eerie. Perhaps that attests to L.K. Malone’s skill at description.  This tale was written by a competent writer. 

We are grateful to Amy Lathrop at Litfuse Group, and Kregel Publications for providing us with a free copy in exchange for an honest review. 
- Gail Lewis

Paperback: 328 pages
Publisher: Kregel Publications (October 28, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0825426677
ISBN-13: 978-0825426674

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Gail! I want to thank you so much for your review. And you hit on some points that concerned me as I wrote. I'm grateful for the honest thoughts.
