Wednesday, October 26, 2011

FLOWER CHILD by Sheila Deeth

Sheila Deeth’s rare imagination is only exceeded by her exceptional writing skills.

Flower Child weaves the story of Megan, a young woman who loses her unborn daughter and finds it difficult to let go of grief even after having a son, Daniel. In Megan’s dreams, her daughter visits and even helps with her new little brother. She is unsure whether the daughter is real or imagined. In spite of her husband’s displeasure, Megan continues to welcome her daughter’s visits and watches her grow to become a rebellious teenager. The exercise makes it apparent to her how difficult a job it would have been to mother the actual child.

Is Megan really seeing her daughter, or are the visits merely dreams and imaginings? We might wonder too, until Angela begins to tell her own story. She explains the Garden she is in is tended by angels. Is that where souls begin? She watches as other babies are released from their tethers and whisked away to their parents, while she and a few others remain. Those young ones who are left want to know their parents, and find they can visit them in their dreams. It’s only by dreaming that Angela can visit her mother and experience life as a human being. 

Sheila Deeth weaves a bit of Genesis into this story too. Is the garden where the children’s souls begin actually the Garden of Eden? Is there an adjoining Hell, as well? Will Angela ever escape the Garden? If so, will she be a human, an angel, or a demon? Or, none of these?  

Sheila Deeth’s vivid description brings this unusual story to life. If it sounds a bit incredulous, so what? It’s a fascinating piece of fiction that makes an entertaining, introspective read; and Ms. Deeth’s lovely details paint stunning images.  

We thank the author for providing us with copy of Flower Child in exchange for an honest review. It was thoroughly enjoyable.
—Gail Lewis

Format: Kindle Edition
File Size: 72 KB
Publisher: Gypsy Shadow Publishing (September 24, 2011)
Language: English
Lending: Enabled